Café Rhédey
Our secret and yours
A house on the corner of the main square in Cluj Napoca, where the best coffee is said to be brewed, where the best wine is poured, and in the kitchen of which authentic Transylvanian flavours are born.
Transylvanian flavours
Homemade dishes based on traditional recipes with a touch of elegance.
Events in the centre of Cluj
Organise events in the city centre, in an elegant yet comfortable environment.

since 2015
Our History
Rhédey House has a history. The history of the main square of Cluj. The walls of Rhédey House preserve the city’s past, the unique charm of each period. If they could talk, they would speak about Gábor Bethlen and whisper the secrets of Rákóczi’s fight for freedom. These walls housed László Székely, prefect of Cluj County, and were rebuilt at…
According to our customers, this is where you'll find the tastiest food in the whole city:

An unexpected encounter between the Romanian “ciorbă” (sour soup) and Sekler traditional cuisine.
A sour soup with pork meat, seasoned with tarragon and thickened with sour cream and egg.

With pickled cabbage and minced pork meat, baked together in the oven.

Poppyseed and breadcrumb cake with vanilla topping.
Have a taste!
Traditional recipes with a modern twist at Rhédey!
Organise an event with us
We have already hosted plenty of cocktail parties, corporate events, anniversaries and New Years Eve parties. If you are planning an event and want to celebrate it in the city centre, we are waiting for you.
Email us at!
In the hot season, you’ll find coolness and the best view on the Rhédey terrace, and in the cold season, you’ll find a warm and cosy atmosphere!